Tuesday 28 February 2012

Music Magazine - Front Cover, Adding in Headings of Featured Articles


This is my first Heading (on the right hand side, near the Masthead) including a Featured Article from inside my Music Magazine.
I chose to use the character Marie Kent that i used in my Contents page and elaborated a sub-heading out of what i'd already written about her article in the Contents.
I used the font szlichta07 in white to create a simple yet eye-catching heading and sub-heading, using her name in a capital font.
I then added in a WIN WITH ICON! competition heading, as i felt that reader would see this and be eager to turn onto that page.
This heading was created using the font zapfino in red, using the WIN WITH ICON! part in a larger font to the subheading 'turn to page 31'.
I am pleased with the initial style of these headings and i feel that they fit my synergy and running theme perfectly.

This is my second heading that i created using my Band created in my double page spread called NYLON.
I created two layers of the band name NYLON in font szlichta07, one in red and one in white and layered them up - like with my Masthead.
This creates a really bold Masthead that draws in the reader.
I used a smaller heading with the words 'THE SECRETS ARE OUT' as i felt it was a strong heading, and then added in the sub-heading.
I feel that this heading works well, it's got two bold headings that draw in the reader visually and also will make them want to read more.

My final Heading is my Cover Star Rose Tiller created using the white and red layering in Zapfino for the main heading and sub-heading.
I then added a smaller coverline in white szlichta to entice the reader further, and also to fill in the grey insert i have at the bottom.
I also then added in the Barcode image to give the cover authenticity. 

Music Magazine - Front Cover Finished Masthead

This is my final Masthead/Title for my Music magazine cover.
I chose eventually to place the whole background image in the middle of the page with the grey inserts at top and bottom - even though i have previously said i was going to just use the grey at the bottom of the page.
I came to this decision because it felt that the grey along the bottom was far to bold and eye catching and i didn't want to draw attention to it.
I changed my original Masthead by un-grouping it, so that i could work with both layers separately, and edited the font to size 72. This meant that i could place the Masthead covering the majority of the Cover.
I originally placed the Masthead over the middle of the page - however, this restricted the amount of space i had to add in a Date and headings about articles inside the magazine.
The Date i chose to match the date used on the Contents page and i used font Zapfino in white to create this.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Music Magazine - Front Cover Title Development

I also have experimented with the layers of my ICON! title by adding strokes to the font and playing with the order of the layers.
This image is with the ICON! with the white stroke on top - and i feel that this creates a really strong and bold title.
I am strongly considering using this for my final front cover.

Music Magazine - Development of Front Cover

For my front cover for my Music magazine i have again decided to use the monochrome and red colour scheme as this works with the synergy of the Contents Page and Double Page Article Spread.
I also decided upon using a monochrome image from my photoshoot for the Cover Image - however; this image in Landscape, which caused a lot of problems with fitting it into the frame proportionally and professionally.

This is my first attempt at placing the image onto the page. 
I first made a box that covered the whole page and then 'placed' the image into this box, then using the white arrow tool i positioned the image into the frame; making sure her face was central and her shoulder touched the edge of the frame.
The decision then was what to do with the white gaps at the top and bottom - i used a box and the eyedropper tool to create this effect.
I decided then that i didn't like the effect of this, because it looks 'odd' without the top of the bow on her head reaching the top of the frame.
I then experimented further:

This time, i placed the image at the very top of the frame so that i didn't have the issue with her bow, and moved the box from the top of the page into the now bigger gap at the bottom.
I feel that this looks better, however i need to work on how to fill the grey gap at the bottom.

The next step was the create the heading - I used the Zapfino font in red; in font size 48. I felt that the title was 'bold' enough, so i created a copy of the title and layered it on top (and then grouped them together) to create a 'shadowed' effect on the font. I am pleased with this result as i feel it add something extra to the title that it doesn't have alone. I feel that a bold heading is key to an interesting front cover.

Music Magazine - Finished Contents Page

This is the finished Contents Page that i created using InDesign.
I find this page really interesting to view as you can see all the featured artists in the issue which will draw in fans of the artists to the magazine and make them want to buy it and read on.
I also feel that the headings and subheadings i created for all the features/articles are very enticing to the reader - they give a small hint to whats to be seen/read in the whole article and will make them want to continue on reading.
The images are all of high quality and i feel that they depict my headings and features well - they give a sort of rich, 'celebrity' feel to the article.
I am also pleased with the use of the monochrome and red colour scheme, i believe that it looks professional and fun.
I enjoyed created this double page spread as i could demonstrate my skills in the application InDesign, and Photoshop (with the editing of my photography) and i feel it has worked well together to produce a professional looking Contents page that relates well to my chosen theme for ICON!.

Music Magazine - Development of a Contents Page

Before the initial production and development of my Contents Page for my music magazine - now named ICON! - i carried out a photoshoot with my friend to create some images to be used inside my magazine - on both the front cover and contents page.
I have chosen a monochrome and red colour scheme for my Magazine which is reflected in the photography chosen in the contents page.
Firstly, i placed an image into a double page spread on my Contents Page..

After 'placing' the image into InDesign on the left hand page of my double page spread; i realized that the picture was too narrow for the page, so i had to add a black panel on the right hand side to fill up the space. I used the 'eyedropper' tool to do this.
I then started to play around with Titles and Subheadings that related to the picture.

I then decided on the font - using the font Zapfino in Red to make an almost logo - 'inside ICON! this month' - i decided to create these words into 3 separate boxes so that i could move them around to wear i wanted them in relation to eachother; and i also used different size fonts to create a logo style heading.
I then came up with the name of my cover star (whose image is the girl on the page) and used her name (Rose Tiller) as a heading using the font szlichta07 in white; then, using the same font but in a smaller size, created a subheading relating to the star and the article featured inside the magazine. This is used to 'entice' the reader into reading further.

My next task was to then start designing my right hand side page and the actually list of the contents; including which images i am using.
Firstly, i knew i had to use a small image of the article previously created - of 'Matt' - which is the small black and white landscape image in the bottom left hand corner. 
I then chose to use another image from my photoshoot but use a different name; as if she is a different music artist to the first. 
Lastly, the top image is one from my photography experimentations with light painting - i chose to use this as it's an image created with about 5 people which i thought could look like a band. I then chose to call them 'BIRK' as someone in the image has written this with the torch, and in the 'FEATURED' part of my contents page i wrote: "hot band BIRK are let loose in our studio with light painting".

Under the heading of the magazine name, i chose to write the issue date again using the Zapfino font in red alongside the magazine title ICON!... in this heading i chose to create the ICON! title using a lower case 'i' with the rest in upper case because i liked the way this looked.

I then chose to write a FEATURED contents list - a list of all the 'featured' stars which have images on the contents page and perhaps on the Front cover (later to be decided).
On the images, i added a page number and related this back to the FEATURED contents list.
Alongside the page numbers in the list i wrote the name of the featured artist/group and then wrote a small explanation of the article/feature involving them to draw in the reader.

Next to write was the actual contents page which just lists the unfeatured articles, normally ones that feature in most ICON! issues such as Horoscopes.

This is the finished right hand page of my double page spread contents page. 
I filled in the less detailed Contents Page list - using page numbers and a small title of the featured articles.
I also added next to the landscape black and white image small text box with saying: "WIN WITH ICON! be in with a chance to meet our cover star ROSE TILLER. Read all about it on pafe 31..." again using the red Zapfino font to make it bold and draw in the readers eye.
I then created a small logo/icon in the bottom right hand corner - by literally just typing icon into two separate text boxes (using Zapfino in black) and overlapping them to create an almost 'shadow' effect. I then grouped the two text boxes today to enable it to be moved around together.

I am very pleased with the final outcome of this page and i feel that all my pictures are relevant and of high quality. My titles and headings are enticing to readers and are created neatly in well chosen fonts.