Tuesday 28 February 2012

Music Magazine - Front Cover, Adding in Headings of Featured Articles


This is my first Heading (on the right hand side, near the Masthead) including a Featured Article from inside my Music Magazine.
I chose to use the character Marie Kent that i used in my Contents page and elaborated a sub-heading out of what i'd already written about her article in the Contents.
I used the font szlichta07 in white to create a simple yet eye-catching heading and sub-heading, using her name in a capital font.
I then added in a WIN WITH ICON! competition heading, as i felt that reader would see this and be eager to turn onto that page.
This heading was created using the font zapfino in red, using the WIN WITH ICON! part in a larger font to the subheading 'turn to page 31'.
I am pleased with the initial style of these headings and i feel that they fit my synergy and running theme perfectly.

This is my second heading that i created using my Band created in my double page spread called NYLON.
I created two layers of the band name NYLON in font szlichta07, one in red and one in white and layered them up - like with my Masthead.
This creates a really bold Masthead that draws in the reader.
I used a smaller heading with the words 'THE SECRETS ARE OUT' as i felt it was a strong heading, and then added in the sub-heading.
I feel that this heading works well, it's got two bold headings that draw in the reader visually and also will make them want to read more.

My final Heading is my Cover Star Rose Tiller created using the white and red layering in Zapfino for the main heading and sub-heading.
I then added a smaller coverline in white szlichta to entice the reader further, and also to fill in the grey insert i have at the bottom.
I also then added in the Barcode image to give the cover authenticity. 

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