Tuesday 13 March 2012

Music Magazine - Finished Front Cover

This my Finished Front Cover for my Music Magazine named ICON!
I believe that i have succeeded in created a really eye-catching front cover with plenty of information to draw in the reader and make them want to continue to read on.
I have related my completed Front Cover to the ongoing theme of both my Double Page Spread article and my Double Page Front Cover - by doing this i feel as if i have given my magazine a running synergy that will help to establish my magazine as a brand and give something for the reader to associate my magazine with.
I am really pleased with the over-all 'look' of my Music Magazine; this is due to the fact that i have used high quality photographs throughout that all relate to the brief and the people in the images represent music 'stars' that i have created for this purpose.
I chose to call my Magazine ICON! because i felt that it really related well to the Music Industry at the moment due to the "celebrity" music artists that so many people look up to and view them as inspiration and as a muse.

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