Friday 30 March 2012

Music Magazine Evaluation - Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

During all stages of both the preliminary task (the college magazine publication) and the music magazine task, i feel as though my skills in the Apple Mac software have absolutely accelerated - considering the fact that before the initial start of my media work i hadn't used InDesign or Photoshop before.

I have furthered and gathered a range of skills with using the software used throughout all stages of both the preliminary task and the Music Magazine tasks.
These skills have been mainly in the Indesign and Photoshop programs - i have learnt how to construct, develop and finalise the production of many different magazine publication pages - such as my front cover, double page spread and contents page. 

The initial skills i learnt were to 'place' images into an InDesign document using different shaped boxes to create a frame around the photography. I then advanced my use of the white and black arrows on InDesign - using the Black to move and edit the actual frame and the White to position the image within the frame itself. I also used the Fitting tool to fit the image to frame when it was needed.

With those images; i used photoshop to crop the images so that i could center the focus of the image that i took. Then using the Brightness/Contrast tool to highlight the photography - brightening it and making it more appealing to the viewer.
This use of editing images enables my images to look high quality and professional so that in turn my overall publications will then look professional.

Throughout the whole of my work i used text boxes in InDesign to add all the text onto my publications. Using these text boxes i was able to use all of the different fonts and edit them correctly to make them work to my specified synergy.

There have been many different skills that i have learnt using the technologies available to me; however i also believe that my skills in writing and analysing have also improved greatly.
I have furthered these skills in my analysis of all my publication work that i have created for both tasks - reviewing what i have created and recognising any improvements needed to be made.
I also feel that i improved my writing skills - by working on my Double Page Spread i was able to create a professional looking and well-read/written article to include my publication.

All in All, i feel as if i have furthered many skills in the use of the Mac Software - in both InDesign and Photoshop - and also my skills in English - both language and literature.
This has all come together to enhance my overall media production.

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