Thursday 22 March 2012

Music Magazine Evaluation - Question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

I will begin answering this Evaluation question by analyzing my Music Magazine productions and deciding upon the particular social group that i feel is represented in my final products.
During the development stages of the music magazine task, i researched into the already established music magazines that are currently on the market at the moment.
I mainly researched into the work of Rolling Stone ( and NME ( i therefore feel that i have been influenced greatly by these publications in the production stages of my Front Cover, Double Page Spread and Contents Page.
Both of these established publications are Indie/Rock music genres - which i feel i have represented well in my magazine with the chosen artists and syngery.
However; i also feel as though there is a target market of readers of ICON! that would be into more Mainstream/Pop music - which i also feel i catered towards.

By using the Photography chosen; i feel that i not only represented the meanings and connotations behind my Masthead title (ICON!) by creating a 'persona' of celebrity around my models; and by styling the shoot in way that i felt relevant to my genre/synergy.

My magazine initially is targeted at teenagers who are fans of Indie/Rock/Mainstream music and fans of the 'celebrities' involved in the publication.
Teenagers of today are very obsessed and intrigued by the world of 'celebrity' and everything involved with their careers and private lives.
This is why for my publication i decided to focus more on the actual 'star' than their actual music - this will really engage with my target audience of teenagers (mainly girls between 14-25).
I chose to use these images that i took for a Fashion Photography shoot; due to the fact that i believe they look really professional and paint the subject in a 'celebrity' light.

I believe that not only am i representing and targeting teenagers with the use of young celebrities, but i am also appealing to them with my chosen themes and syngery.
I chose initially to use the theme of Black, White and Red which i felt was very professional looking and looked chic/stylish enough to draw in particular teenage social groups. I also feel that my use of young fonts and easy to read compositions are really relatable to my target audience  

In my opinion; i feel that i have related to the teenage social groups of 'indie', fashionable teens who are very aware of the world of Music, Fashion and Celebrity throughout the entirety of my Music Magazine due to all the factors previously mentioned - (Photography, Research into NME and Rolling Stone and the use of my Colour schemes and Font/Composition Themes). Overall, I believe I have both managed to challenge and support the dominant ideologies that are thought to relate to all music magazines by researching into what factors i believed that the target readers of my magazine would want to read/view and either worked with these or challenged them by putting my own spin on the work. I feel that i have created a unique music magazine, but one that isn't however only for a niche market. 

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