Monday 26 March 2012

Music Magazine Evaluation - Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

In my opinion; i believe that the most appropriate distributor of my Media product would be Bauer Consumer Media.
This is due to the fact that they already have the knowledge and experience of a music magazine needed to make mine successful with their production of Q magazine and Kerrang magazine - however; they also have the same expertise with magazines such as Closer, Grazia and Heat which are all Celebrity/Fashion magazines which will be useful for the more Celebrity orientated elements of my magazine. 
I also believe that although they have a few magazines already in production that have similar audiences and genres, i believe that with my magazine i have the right balance between just straight music throughout, and only just celebrity gossip columns to make it a successful, unique publication.

Bauer Media (whose headquarters are in Hamburg, Germany - however they also own 15 more offices located all over the world) reaches over nineteen million UK adults across many multi-media publications. They have more than eighty influential media brands spanning a wide range of interests, including heatGRAZIACloserMCNFHMParkersMATCHMagic 105.4Kiss 100Kerrang and 4Music.

They offer over 300 magazines across 15 countries as well as a collection of TV, online and Radio productions; that turnover a Revenue of 1.79billion Euros for the company.
Bauer began their venture into Radio production in 1990 with the launch of Kiss; which is now the ever popular Kiss 100; and then came Melody FM which was transformed into the market leader Magic 105.4.
In 1996, Bauer acquired the digital TV Music Channel named The Box - which have developed into the subsidiary Box Television, a join seven channel venture with Channel 4.
By launching Closer (magazine publication) in 2002 and Grazia - which is acclaimed at being Britain's First Weekly 'Glossy' in 2005. These two publications are now some of the most popular Celebrity gossip and style magazines in the current UK magazine market.
Today; Bauer has over 80 influential publications and 'Brand Names' that are distributed to a wide range of audiences over many different medias.

By researching into the work of Bauer Media (sometimes shortened to H.Bauer) i have realised that Bauer are a very mixed-media distributor. However, what they have are very clear categories of genre and audience in each publication.
What my magazine can offer this distributor is a chance to mix these and therefore, widen their chosen audience groups. I believe that there is a gap for my magazine in Bauer Media due to the fact that they will be able to offer my magazine their expertise and gathered knowledge from experience with their existing publications; but my magazine can offer them the chance to broaden their directed audiences and genres - this in turn, should help to generate a large amount of sales for my magazine due to the diverse audience.

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