Tuesday 21 February 2012

Music Magazine - Finished Contents Page

This is the finished Contents Page that i created using InDesign.
I find this page really interesting to view as you can see all the featured artists in the issue which will draw in fans of the artists to the magazine and make them want to buy it and read on.
I also feel that the headings and subheadings i created for all the features/articles are very enticing to the reader - they give a small hint to whats to be seen/read in the whole article and will make them want to continue on reading.
The images are all of high quality and i feel that they depict my headings and features well - they give a sort of rich, 'celebrity' feel to the article.
I am also pleased with the use of the monochrome and red colour scheme, i believe that it looks professional and fun.
I enjoyed created this double page spread as i could demonstrate my skills in the application InDesign, and Photoshop (with the editing of my photography) and i feel it has worked well together to produce a professional looking Contents page that relates well to my chosen theme for ICON!.

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