Tuesday 28 February 2012

Music Magazine - Front Cover Finished Masthead

This is my final Masthead/Title for my Music magazine cover.
I chose eventually to place the whole background image in the middle of the page with the grey inserts at top and bottom - even though i have previously said i was going to just use the grey at the bottom of the page.
I came to this decision because it felt that the grey along the bottom was far to bold and eye catching and i didn't want to draw attention to it.
I changed my original Masthead by un-grouping it, so that i could work with both layers separately, and edited the font to size 72. This meant that i could place the Masthead covering the majority of the Cover.
I originally placed the Masthead over the middle of the page - however, this restricted the amount of space i had to add in a Date and headings about articles inside the magazine.
The Date i chose to match the date used on the Contents page and i used font Zapfino in white to create this.

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