Tuesday 17 January 2012

Music Magazine - Edit of Photos for my Double Page Spread

This is the image that i want to use in my double page spread - placing it in the 2nd column in the middle of the text.
This is the 'original' image that i took in the studio of a class mate listening to music.
I first needed to edit he image by using the 'Spot Healing' tool - this meant that the image would look cleaner and also would make the image look more like a 'celebrity' image.

This is the edited version of the image - after using the Spot Healing tool.
I am very pleased with the effect.

This is the final image that i took and edited using the Photography Studio and edited on Photoshop.
I chose to edit the image into black and white because it means that the image will fit the synergy and theme of my Double Page Spread.Looking at the image now - i have realized that in Monchrome the headphones cannot be seen. I will look into trying to edit the headphones back to red but leave the rest in Black and White.

This image i edited using the online editing website called Picnik - i used the edited colour photograph of Matt and then changed it to Monochrome.
Then using a brush tool - i managed to 'paint' back in the original colour just on the section of the headphones.
I feel that this is a very strong and relevant image.

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