Tuesday 17 January 2012

Music Magazine - Further Development of Double Page Spread with Interview Text

This is my Double Page Spread that i created using the template of my 'rough' pages and the same storyline.
I added and edited the sub-heading; adding the line 
which i felt created a buzz around the interview and almost a 'teaser' for what to read.
By writing the interview between the journalist (me!) and the 'stars' i helped me to create a name for both the magazine and the band.
I have decided to call my Music Magazine - ICON! (with the exclamation mark).
I feel that this is a strong music magazine names as nowadays most 'celebrity' musicians play a huge role in becoming role models and icons for their fans and teenagers of the time. I was toying with using the name 'muse' as i felt it had a similar meaning behind it; however; there is the band called muse already existing and i didn't want to play off of that.
My interview is relevant to the storyline and to me; is everything a reader would want to find out about from the band:

In the latest issue of ICON! Nylon graces the cover – not only with a new look; but a recent decrease of members. They took reputable Journalist Charlotte Pavitt backstage at their long awaited headline act at Glastonbury last month to finally confirm or dismiss the alleged rumours of punch ups and breakdowns that later resulted in Matt leaving.

         In between the breath taking performances and makeup/hair sessions; Nylon began to tell their story.
Here at ICON! we wanted to know all about the shock departure of valued band member Matt from the band that’s taking our music scene by storm – Nylon. So we caught up with the remaining members fresh from Glastonbury- Emily; Hector; Moses and Adam to get the full story:

Wow, that was some performance – you seem even closer now than you were before! How has the split changed the relationships in the band?
Emily: We’ve all been through it together – the tears, tantrums and triumphs – so we all know what each other are feeling. It’s made us unite.
Hector: I agree. Before Matt left everything was very tense – it wasn’t long before someone snapped.

So what was causing all the ‘tension’ in the band?
Adam: The fame really I suppose – we’ve all come from relatively normal backgrounds and have found the journey to fame very tough. It’s put pressure on our relationships within the band; though hopefully it hasn’t affected our music! (laughs)

The music is still ever popular with your growing amount of fans. How did it feel headlining Glastonbury this year?
Moses: Like you wouldn’t believe; it’s every aspiring musicians dream and ours was fulfilled. The buzz is incredible.
Emily: I just feel incredibly blessed.
Hector: I couldn’t of asked for better people to share the experience with.

And it didn’t feel weird without Matt?
Emily: Of course there will always be a hole where Matt once was – and he will never leave the band properly. He was with us when we released out first number one single and through every memory we have as a band; and that will never change.
Though, we did rock it tonight…
Hector: I would of loved to of seen his face when the crowd where spinning our lyrics back to us; word for word…

Rumour has it that he left of his own accord.. is that true? Did anyone actually make him go?
Adam: Matt felt as if it was his time to leave; no one wanted it to happen. Especially me – we were like brothers.
Moses: He was never cut out for the ‘celebrity’ lifestyle. He’s made his music and 4 no. 1s and I think he feels as if that is enough for him.

Do you think there could ever be a reunion – Take That Style?
Emily: (Laughs) The dynamics of Nylon are completely different to Take That; I’m not sure if he’d ever want to.
Hector: None of us would ever reject him coming back – I mean after all; he’s the one that wrote the hits.

So if Matt was the only songwriter in the band; what’s to be said about the future for Nylon in respect of Albums, Tours and Singles?
Moses: We have a great team behind us who really understand Nylon and the music we’re trying to achieve and put to our fans. They will be recruiting people to write for us – though our input will be at the forefront.
Emily: There have been talks that Matt may just come back to write…

Wow; an exclusive! Has anything been agreed officially about his song writing?
Hector: Nothing is set in stone.
Adam: We’re not to get our hopes up.

Oh you’re keeping it very hush hush. Your fans are also very curious as to your stage fashion – do you all have a stylist?
Emily: Before I joined Nylon as the front singer; I was a Fashion Student; So all styling of the band is done by me.
Moses: She’s our saviour – we’d all turn up in trackies and unshaven otherwise.
Adam: Speak for yourself.

(Laughs) oh wow, so you’re not just a talented Singer then! 
One last question – Who will you be staying up late to watch tomorrow here at Glastonbury?
(in unison): The Vaccines.

It’s been wonderful talking to you four and here at ICON! we wish you all the success you deserve!

I have recently edited this page by changing the font from Times New Roman to Trebuchet MS using both Bold, Italic and Bold Italic versions of this font.
I also edited my title by reducing the 'AND' in the title to a smaller size and putting it in it's own box which meant i could place it wherever i wanted and therefore reduce the size of the title.
I needed to reduce the title because my interview was longer than what i had space for (!) this meant that i needed to reduce the size and therefore increase room for my text.
I also changed the subheading to have it on it's own 'line'; and edited it to the colour red to make it more eyecatching.

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