Tuesday 1 November 2011

College Photos

These are my first attempts at taking photos of students and the college facilities that i could possibly use on the College Magazine cover.
After taking the photos using a Photography medium; i uploaded the images onto the college Apple Mac computer and edited them in Photoshop.
In Photoshop; i used the crop tool to focus the image onto a certain area of the photograph and zoom into it. This also enabled me to remove any part of the image that wasn't needed or that spoilt the overall appeal.
After this i used InDesign to group the images together and edit them into different shapes. 
When taking the photos i had to consider the angle of the shot and the body language of the subject - in this case; students and staff of the college.
I'm not sure at this stage if i will use these in my College Magazine - i may take a few more in better quality.
I had to save this as a JPEG document in order to be able to post it easily to my blog.

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