Wednesday 2 November 2011

Preliminary Task: Initial Ideas

For my Cover and Contents page for my College magazine my initial ideas and thoughts are:

Following the conventions of typical real magazines; I am going to have a large Masthead across the top of the publication. Although; at this stage I am not sure of a name for it yet. Though I want my name to be memorable and relevant to it’s audience and purpose.

Considering the font and design of the Masthead I have considered using the following fonts (all in capital letters):
Trebuchet MS
Handwriting – Dakota
Rosewood STD
Or perhaps something different – I will try these out at a later stage. I will also decide if my Masthead will be in Italics; Bold and/or Underline.

The colour scheme of my Cover will need to be thought out – perhaps using the College logo and College colours.
It will also need to be fairly bright to attract readers.

All imagery used will be of students or facilities around the College which I will take and edit myself using Photography mediums and InDesign and Photoshop.

I will also have titles of articles featured inside my College magazine to give readers a ‘teaser’ of the articles inside and therefore make them want to pick it up and read it.
The articles I am considering including in my ‘mock-up’ contents page are:
-       A college map for new students.
-       A list of all new events/college trips.
-       A list of all exams.
-       Enrichment courses and notices involving these.
-       Bus timetables and routes.
-       A pricelist of college shop items.
-       Information on cafes and what they’re serving
-       Articles perhaps written by English students
-       Images by Photography students and Artwork by Art students.

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