Tuesday 15 November 2011

Coverlines and Contents Page Images - Possible Choices

This is an image that i took of certificates that i found on a wall around the College site.
I feel that this image will work really well included in my Students and Staff recognition of achievements page and therefore, I will include it next to the page number for that particular feature on my Contents Page.
I edited this shot using Photoshop and by adjusting the Saturation and Contrast of the picture to make it stand out more.

This image took around the college of a direction sign.
I feel that this will work well on either my contents page or complimenting a Coverline for Directions and for the College Map.
Again, i edited this with Photoshop - I cropped the image and adjusted the contrast.

This is another possible image that i may use on my Cover - i showed this image in a plan of my cover which is featured on my proposal that i created in InDesign and edited into a circle shape.

This is an image that i took around the college of a member of staff working in the Coffee House. 
I feel that this image can be used in both the Staff section and the section on cafes and cafe information.
Again, i edited this image in Photoshop - First, i cropped the image so that it only included the section of the photograph that is relevant. Originally, the image included two members of staff, however the second Staff member wasn't aware of the photograph being taken, so therefore there was movement blur.
I also edited the saturation and contrast of the image to make the photo brighter.

These are all images that i have considered and edited to create the desired effect and are all images that i will most probably use.
I do have a selection of images that i haven't posted here that need to either edit and crop to create a worthy image or they're images that aren't suitable/relevant.

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