Tuesday 6 December 2011

Music Magazine - Research into Rolling Stone

Rolling stone magazine is one of the most iconic American published music magazines around. Rolling stone magazine is a fortnightly published magazine that is focused upon Music, Liberal Politics and Pop Culture.
It was founded in 1967 by Jann Wenner who is still the editor and publisher to date.
Their total circulation is 1.4million.
Published by Wenner Media.

Rolling stone magazine is also known for it’s political coverage – especially when they produced this controversial cover featuring (a naked) John Lennon and Yoko Ono – I have recently found out that this cover was said to be taken either the day before or on the exact day of his assassination. 

During the 1990s Rolling Stone changed it’s synergy to enable it to appeal to a younger and fresher audience – often focusing on famous actors, musical artists or celebrities.

Due to Rolling Stone now having such a well established brand image and an iconic Cover synergy – they are now on the of most popular and wealthy music magazines.
The covers featuring images of such recently famous and adored celebrities, artists and actors/actresses; have now become so popular that they are continuously made into posters (the majority of them framed) which can be hung in homes all across the world.
This is a very clever and simple way to advertise the magazine and it’s ‘brand’.

To show example of these ‘iconic’ covers such as the one above featuring John Lennon and Yoko; there were also over 30 covers that featured The Beatles, a cover featuring Janet Jackson, John Lennon & Paul McCartney, Jimi Hendrix and Eric Clapton.

Rolling Stone now have a well established website:

RollingStone.com is (like with NME.com) slowly becoming a very popular site - though unlike NME it is not overtaking it's circulation of magazines. This could be due to the fact that Rolling Stone magazines are now seen to be very collectable - especially a cover that features a very famous and icon celebrity and/or music star.

Rolling Stone website has much to offer - articles, competitions, interactive features, links to websites - itunes, youtube, artists official website and fan bases, picture galleries of artists and an archive of previous Rolling Stone magazine covers.

Music Magazine - Research into NME

Music Magazine Research:NME

The music magazine industry is in a very nice market – with the target audience being very small and the amount of music based publications limited in comparison to publications such as Fashion or Lifestyle.
One of the most iconic music magazines NME (new musical express) which was founded in 1952, and it almost the ‘leader’ in this industry and owns the title of being the most popular music magazine in the British music magazine industry.
NME started off as a music newspaper and then, during the 1980s, gradually started changing into a more glossier publication. It was the first british paper to include the singles chart, which was published in 1952.
Today, NME is known for it’s Punk Rock theme due to the writing of Tony Parsons and Julie Burchill.
In 1996 www.nme.com was launched, which now can claim to having 5 million users per month.


NME is published weekly at an average price of £2.20. NME magazine’s circulation figures have been continuously falling since 2003, perhaps due to the recession or competition from other music publications. Their total circulation to date is 33,875.

NME Magazine is now known as an almost brand – with the magazine being perhaps one of the least popular outlets. NME now host a hugely popular show and event called the NME AWARDS where they present awards to the best music throughout the year – with the winners being voted by the magazine readers.

NME.COM is slowly becoming more and more popular than the actual magazine publication itself; i feel this is due to the fact that the internet can offer you way more outlets and links to video; itunes; artists official pages and fan bases for example.
The internet is also a very easy to find and access database that for most is free - whereas a magazine you have to get to the shops and pay the price.

They also have ventured into tours in set arenas with new up-and-coming bands/artists to showcase their music to fans and the public. Published by IPC Media.

Final College Magazine Cover

This is my final College Magazine Cover that i created using all of my own imagery, Coverlines and Contents.
As shown in previous posts, it was a very lengthy process to take the images, edit them and then fit them to frame.
I am very pleased with the final result - although i would in future change the style of my coverlines.
I chose to make these with blue and green backgrounds purely to fit into the Southdowns College synergy.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

College Magazine Cover Plans - Developing my Plans and Ideas

This is my Magazine Cover that i have been developing and filtering with ideas.
I have now designed and decided upon my Masthead, Cover Image, Plug and Coverlines which are featured here.
I am planning on developing this by adding more coverlines and/or imagery.

Looking at this image; i was aware that it was starting to look very 'busy' with a mixture of very interesting photographs that contained lots of colour and images.
By opening up the image into Photoshop; i tested the idea of removing the background from the image.

This is a screenshot of the image before and after i used the Magnetic Lasso Tool to draw around the image that i wanted to 'keep' and then copy and pasted that into a new window.
This was my first attempt at this, so therefore the image was a little ragged; so i used the Refine Tool to adjust both the 'smoothness' and add a 'feather' texture to the image.
Following on from that i also used the eraser tool to remove any unwanted areas.

I also experimented with the Background Remover Eraser tool; which i used simply just to 'rub out' the background and unwanted areas of the photograph.
This was a very tricky and time consuming way of doing it, so i chose to holt the process and consider the image thoroughly.

This was a very lengthy and detailed process; and i am not sure if i am happy with the result. I am therefore looking into other ways to make my cover and it's imagery less 'busy'; perhaps by using all the 'blank' spaces in the image - especially the areas that don't contain the students to place the images and text.

College Magazine Cover Plans - Fitting the Cover Image to Frame

These are my cover ideas for my College Magazine cover; i created these using the application InDesign and by placing the image into the frame.
I had to first fit the image to the frame, and then i reduced the size of the image. This is due to the fact that originally the image was a landscape picture.
I chose to try it in both black and white to see how it would work with both the Masthead and the overall appeal.
I have now decided using these samples to use the colour image - I came to this decision by asking opinions of others - after all, college students are the main target audience.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Flatplan For My College Magazine Contents Page

This is my Flatplan for my College Magazine Contents Page that i created in InDesign.
This enables me to decide and view the colour choices; layout and 'Contents' title style. 
I have chosen to include images relating to certain chosen articles and/or features on my contents page - the boxes along the Right hand side represent these images.

Flatplan For My College Magazine Cover

This is my Flatplan of my College Magazine Cover that i created in InDesign.
It shows the layout of my Cover, the images and their shapes, the Coverlines and the design of my Masthead.
 My chosen font for the Masthead is Savoye LET - i chose this due to it's style and italic feel to the font.
Depending on the cover image colouring, I will then decide what colours to use for my Masthead, perhaps black or white.

Coverlines and Contents Page Images - Possible Choices

This is an image that i took of certificates that i found on a wall around the College site.
I feel that this image will work really well included in my Students and Staff recognition of achievements page and therefore, I will include it next to the page number for that particular feature on my Contents Page.
I edited this shot using Photoshop and by adjusting the Saturation and Contrast of the picture to make it stand out more.

This image took around the college of a direction sign.
I feel that this will work well on either my contents page or complimenting a Coverline for Directions and for the College Map.
Again, i edited this with Photoshop - I cropped the image and adjusted the contrast.

This is another possible image that i may use on my Cover - i showed this image in a plan of my cover which is featured on my proposal that i created in InDesign and edited into a circle shape.

This is an image that i took around the college of a member of staff working in the Coffee House. 
I feel that this image can be used in both the Staff section and the section on cafes and cafe information.
Again, i edited this image in Photoshop - First, i cropped the image so that it only included the section of the photograph that is relevant. Originally, the image included two members of staff, however the second Staff member wasn't aware of the photograph being taken, so therefore there was movement blur.
I also edited the saturation and contrast of the image to make the photo brighter.

These are all images that i have considered and edited to create the desired effect and are all images that i will most probably use.
I do have a selection of images that i haven't posted here that need to either edit and crop to create a worthy image or they're images that aren't suitable/relevant.

Tuesday 8 November 2011

College Magazine Cover Image Ideas and Editing Processes

This is an image that i have recently taken of students from my Media class posing on the college stairs for a possible College Magazine Cover Image.
I have gone through a few editing processes to get these shots looking as they do.
Firstly, i knew that i wanted to crop the image to remove the background of the college grounds like the stairs and other students.
Using Photoshop, i edited the image by adapting the Exposure, Brightness, Contrast and Saturation.
I then edited the same photo using Photoshop to change it to a Black and White shot which i really like the look of.
I haven't yet decided if this is my final cover image and i need to consider whether to use a Black and White or Colour edit.

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Preliminary Task: Proposal

Target Audience:

For the production of my College Magazine I will need to thoroughly consider the target audience and how I can relate the articles and features to my targeted readers.
Obviously; as it is a Southdowns College magazine my target audience will be current students – or perhaps even a few future students – and staff of the college.
The age ranges of students are usually pretty similar – between 16-19 traditionally; however some students do come late and there are a few that have taken on extra years and subject courses within the College.
There are also the ‘mature’ students – adults who are doing part time courses to learn a skill that will enhance their CV’s and careers.
The staff age ranges are quite broad – so I will need to some research into the majority age and target it towards that.
Usually; magazines main target is a particular age group – however Southdowns college has a very varied target audience which I will need to research and accomidate to.
Also, due to the varied age groups the likes and dislikes will also be very difficult to target. I think that I will divide my magazine into sections that are targeted at Staff and Students.


I have thoroughly contemplated the content of my College magazine publication and have come to the decision to include the following articles for STUDENTS:

  • A large map of the college for new students. This will help to reduce the risk of students getting lost and also decrease the amount of late and absent students. This will perhaps cover a double page spread.
  •   A blank timetable for them to fill in their courses; when they are and what times. There will also be a section for them to fill out what homework/assignments they have been given and the due date.
  • A list of up-and-coming events and college trips – all information on the trip including the itinerary; price and whether it is compulsory for the students course.
  • A list of future exams dates and location.
  • Useful exam revision tips and tips on how to organise your homework assignments into order of priority.
  • All enrichment courses and information on these including dates; times; course leaders and notices that relate to the enrichment course.
  • All bus timetables and routes for ease of use.
  • A catalogue of all College shop items and a pricelist. Also including a small description on the location of the college shop.
  • Information on location of College Cafes; what they’re serving and perhaps a few prices of the most popular servings.
  • A few double page spreads of my Students section of my magazine will involve articles that have been written and produced by Students – be that English students or anyone else willing to submit a piece.
  • I will also include Photography and Artwork that has been produced by creative students.
  • And finally; recognition of any outstanding work, achievements or behaviour completed by Students – be that inside or outside of college.

Included in my STAFF section of the magazine will be articles such as:

  •           Information on vacancies within the college.
  •           Information on new staff joining the college.
  •           Information on staff events such as Christmas Parties.
  •           All contact details for staff and their main responsibilities.
  •          Any recognition of outstanding work/achievements completed by Staff.

Cover Lines:

Featured upon the cover of my college magazine I will obviously include Cover Lines which will be a sort of ‘teaser’ of the articles/stories featured inside the magazine.
I will also need to include ‘plugs’ and ‘puffs’ which will attract the reader and therefore entice them to read the magazine –
I could possibly include a:
“PLUS; free college timetable pull-out for every reader” in a call-out style bubble/speech bubble to attract the eye of the reader.
and another promoting the college map for the purpose of all new 
I also need to expose the titles of the main features inside the issue of the college magazine -
I feel that the main articles that the students and staff will be interested in are the articles featuring Trips and Events:
I could possibly have a large, italic print in Calibri font stating:-
"Get Your Coat; Pack Your Bag - Up and Coming College Tripsread all about it on page 12..."
"Beat Those Exam Day Nerves - All the Tips and Tricks to help you to ace those January tests!"
Art and Photography by Southdowns students:
"Art Attack; Feast Your Eyes On The Work Of SDC's Talented Artists and Photographers"
I'm not sure if i will have any other Coverlines at this stage - this is something I will need to consider more.


I have found it very difficult to decide on a name for my college magazine publication; magazine names need to be inventive; innovative; catchy and witty - titles such as 'College Magazine' just doesn't fit the mould.
I have considered:
"College Life"
"Life at College"
"Life at Southdowns"
"Southdowns Life"
"Southdowns Weekly"
I still haven't quite decided though I am leaning most towards "SDC" as it's simple; eye catching and modern.
I am less inclined towards the "Life at College" and "Life at Southdowns" titles; they don't very catchy and i don't feel that readers would relate well to this publication title.


As in mentioned in my Initial Ideas post; there are many fonts i've been considering.
These including:
Trebuchet MS
Rosewood STD - I have now recently decided against using this font as it doesn't fit the clean; simple synergy of my cover.
Courier New
Savoye LET - I have now made the decision that this will be my Masthead font.

I have chosen to either use an Italic version of these fonts for my Masthead and also perhaps consider using scroll-type fonts; however there aren't any that will fit the intended synergy of my college magazine cover - so i am opting to use simple fonts and add an italic element to them. 
The fonts used for my Coverlines will be one of the fonts above; perhaps Courier New - a font that to me looks as if it has been produced by a typewriter - which will fit well with the Italic Masthead.
I will use the font DFkai-SB for the Plugs and the Coverlines subheadings.

Publishing Dates:

I am thinking of publishing my college magazine in the Autumn/Winter to launch it during the new term for A level students that have just enrolled - this means that the double page spread Map will be at its most use for recently joined students.
I also feel that it's a good time to release it for Staff - as around this period i would imagine that this is when the majority of new staff will be joining the college.
At the begining of the term is the time when students can enrol upon the Enrichment courses and although there is a Enrichment course catalogue already published - it will be good to have indepth information on them; their locations; course leaders and opinions on the courses from A2 students who have already experienced it for themselves.
I feel that my College magazine is essential for all new students - the Timetable; the bus timetables and routes; locations of the cafes and college shop; work completed by art and photography students for them to view and the previously mentioned contents too.

Cover Image/Photograph:

The Cover image i will include on my college magazine will be an image either for the first issue of the Southdowns College entrance building and/or an image of students looking happy; studious and enjoying college life.
I have already completed an assignment where i took various images of students from my media class; and students around college as well as some staff members and college facilities.
For the plans of my cover i will use these already taken shots, however for the final product I am considering taken some better frames.
I think that i will use my friends to take these images; this is due to the fact that they will be easier to arrange into shots that i feel will be appropriate for the synergy of my magazine cover. 

Frequency of Publication:

I have decided to publish my college magazine monthly - this is because i feel that the college cannot generate enough readers for a weekly publication; and also the fact that i don't believe that there would be enough information to include weekly. 
To publish it monthly; i can find out all the crucial information that needs to reach the students and staff and get it published before the first 7 days of the month.
This enables the students and staff to gather and read about all the information on up-and-coming events; exams; trips and major course assignments.


I am looking to produce my magazine in an A5 format - this i feel will work better than A4 due to that fact that many people won't want to carry around a large-ish A4 publication because of small college bags.
This also means that I can use less paper - making my magazine more environmentally friendly. Speaking of which; i am also looking at publishing my magazine cover in Recycled paper - i feel that glossy paper won't fit the feel of a college magazine.
It will also make less expense for the college to produce.

Contents Page:

My contents page I am imagining to have a background of the Southdowns College Logo with the Contents listed in Trebuchet MS - Italic. I will include against some articles listed a small caption image of either the article; imagery related - such as a small image taken by a Photography student - and perhaps even a quote.
I would also like to include images of all students/staff involved in the production and publication of the magazine; their names and role within the college magazine.

This is a small plan for my cover - just showing the layout and the possible Masthead style.

Preliminary Task: Initial Ideas

For my Cover and Contents page for my College magazine my initial ideas and thoughts are:

Following the conventions of typical real magazines; I am going to have a large Masthead across the top of the publication. Although; at this stage I am not sure of a name for it yet. Though I want my name to be memorable and relevant to it’s audience and purpose.

Considering the font and design of the Masthead I have considered using the following fonts (all in capital letters):
Trebuchet MS
Handwriting – Dakota
Rosewood STD
Or perhaps something different – I will try these out at a later stage. I will also decide if my Masthead will be in Italics; Bold and/or Underline.

The colour scheme of my Cover will need to be thought out – perhaps using the College logo and College colours.
It will also need to be fairly bright to attract readers.

All imagery used will be of students or facilities around the College which I will take and edit myself using Photography mediums and InDesign and Photoshop.

I will also have titles of articles featured inside my College magazine to give readers a ‘teaser’ of the articles inside and therefore make them want to pick it up and read it.
The articles I am considering including in my ‘mock-up’ contents page are:
-       A college map for new students.
-       A list of all new events/college trips.
-       A list of all exams.
-       Enrichment courses and notices involving these.
-       Bus timetables and routes.
-       A pricelist of college shop items.
-       Information on cafes and what they’re serving
-       Articles perhaps written by English students
-       Images by Photography students and Artwork by Art students.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

IPC Case Study

This is my IPC Case Study research that i completed using the following links for researching information:

I used these to research into the company's history and all their publications.
I found out that IPC Media has been mainly associated with Lifestyle, Celebrity Gossip and Fashion/Women's publications. 
Their mens publications are:

Horse and Hound, NME, Country World, Rugby Life,  Nuts, Mousebreaker and Decanter.
The women's publications include: 
LOOK, Now, Chat, Woman, Whats on Tv, Tv times, Tv and Satellite week - These are the Mass Market Women's publications.
The Up Market Women's publications are:
Marie Claire, Instyle, woman&home, Essentials, Ideal Home, Livingetc and housetohome. 

IPC is an appropriate publisher for a new music magazine due to the fact that the company is always growing and adapting to the needs and wants of the times and the readers. They are also always looking for a gap in the market that the audience/readers are demanding for - like when they first published LOOK magazine - the first high street fashion and celebrity gossip weekly.

IPC media would be most likely to publish a mainstream/pop music magazine in contrast to the indie/rock/alternative genre that NME concentrate upon.

Bauer publication house would be more likely to produce a down-market music magazine.

College Photos

These are my first attempts at taking photos of students and the college facilities that i could possibly use on the College Magazine cover.
After taking the photos using a Photography medium; i uploaded the images onto the college Apple Mac computer and edited them in Photoshop.
In Photoshop; i used the crop tool to focus the image onto a certain area of the photograph and zoom into it. This also enabled me to remove any part of the image that wasn't needed or that spoilt the overall appeal.
After this i used InDesign to group the images together and edit them into different shapes. 
When taking the photos i had to consider the angle of the shot and the body language of the subject - in this case; students and staff of the college.
I'm not sure at this stage if i will use these in my College Magazine - i may take a few more in better quality.
I had to save this as a JPEG document in order to be able to post it easily to my blog.